End orders in -- jours -- heures -- minutes -- secondes voor de volgende 24/02/2025 voor 12u30.
Na 10u30, alleen terugtrekking aan de toonbank.


Following the strong growth of people suffering from food allergies in recent years and the changes occurred in the legislation in 2014, please find below information on allergens. All allergen icons can be found on the menu in the product description.

Allergen List :

  • Gluten
  • Schaaldieren
  • Eieren
  • Vis
  • Ardnoten
  • Soja
  • Melk
  • Noten
  • Selderij
  • Mosterd
  • Sezaam
  • Weekdieren
  • Lupine
  • Sulfieten

All of the ingredients in our Sandwiches and Salads are clearly indicated in the detail of our product. However, they are subject to change at any time, so it is prudent to regularly check our menu.

We inform you about all allergens, but we can not rule out 100% cross contamination.

The products you find at Tatie Croûtons are all non-prepacked, so they do not have labels but we can give you the information on request.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.